Your Purpose in Life Can Lead You to True Happiness
I believe that we were all created to have a purpose. There is something within you that you are here to do that will lead you to being happy in your life. So many of us are taught that we are expected to grow up, find a mate, and choose a career that will pay us well, and we can live happily ever after. Few of us were ever encouraged to find out what we were really meant to do in our lives. If I would have known to invest more time into finding my real purpose, I could have saved myself so much disappointment.
Purpose in life is that thing that you are probably very good at, and you enjoy doing it. That thing that brings you so much joy, That thing is most likely your purpose. The hard part is finding out what your purpose is. Take time to think about the hobbies you enjoy. You may like to make crafts, cooking and baking, helping the elderly, veterans or animals. Your purpose could also be devoting your life to your faith or your family. You just have to figure out what leaves you feeling fulfilled knowing that what you're doing makes so many others happy. There are many athletes that have said they can't believe they get paid so much money to do what they love. This is the purpose we all should be striving for. Doing what you love to do everyday is the ultimate goal, but getting handsomely paid for it is an added bonus. We spend so much time working jobs and doing things in our life for the wrong reasons, and then get frustrated with our lives when we aren't happy. Maybe we should not be so concerned with the monetary value in life, but concentrate on things we can do that give us joy, and also making others happy at that same time. At the end of the day, finding purpose in your life is what you may be missing, and is the reason you may feel unhappy with the path your life is taking. I believe some of us may have to make a choice between striving for monetary gain, and striving for peace and happiness, even if that may mean living a simple life. Your happiness is the goal. Don't continue to live a mediocre life when you can live your best life by just finding your purpose.
Purpose in life is that thing that you are probably very good at, and you enjoy doing it. That thing that brings you so much joy, That thing is most likely your purpose. The hard part is finding out what your purpose is. Take time to think about the hobbies you enjoy. You may like to make crafts, cooking and baking, helping the elderly, veterans or animals. Your purpose could also be devoting your life to your faith or your family. You just have to figure out what leaves you feeling fulfilled knowing that what you're doing makes so many others happy. There are many athletes that have said they can't believe they get paid so much money to do what they love. This is the purpose we all should be striving for. Doing what you love to do everyday is the ultimate goal, but getting handsomely paid for it is an added bonus. We spend so much time working jobs and doing things in our life for the wrong reasons, and then get frustrated with our lives when we aren't happy. Maybe we should not be so concerned with the monetary value in life, but concentrate on things we can do that give us joy, and also making others happy at that same time. At the end of the day, finding purpose in your life is what you may be missing, and is the reason you may feel unhappy with the path your life is taking. I believe some of us may have to make a choice between striving for monetary gain, and striving for peace and happiness, even if that may mean living a simple life. Your happiness is the goal. Don't continue to live a mediocre life when you can live your best life by just finding your purpose.
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