Why You Should Care About People's Perception of You
We interact with people everyday, and we don't necessarily concern ourselves with what people think about us, but maybe we should. The way you treat people is observed more often than you realize. Your interactions with your neighbors, people at the grocery store, people at your child's school, and even total strangers, will sometimes make mental notes about you based on how you treated them. People will notice that you smiled at them or you gave them a feeling that you cared. You seemed like a good person. The way people perceive you is something that will follow you throughout your life. For instance, when you apply for certain jobs, they may ask for personal references. In the case of some government jobs, they interview your friends, neighbors, and anyone they can find to tell them about their perception of you. This is one reason why it would be in your best interest to carry yourself in such away that people can clearly see the genuine person you are. I would never suggest that you appear to be fake with people, but I do think you should always try to be the best version of yourself. Have you ever met someone and had a brief interaction with them, and you had a sense that this person had good vibes? That is the person you should work to be. When you are genuinely a good person, people will recognize that. They will see it in the way you carry yourself, your kindness, your ability to make people feel good when they are around you. If you are not used to being that kind of person, it may take a little work on your part to get there. We sometimes get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we don't realize that we should make a better effort to bring a breath of fresh air to someone's day.
I once read a book that asked this question, "If you died and you could be watching your funeral, what would you want people to say about you?" That question from that book stuck with me, and made me much more conscious of the perception people have of me. It made me try to be a better person. A person that could meet me and say I was kind and personable. Although we don't like to think about death, we should think about the legacy we want to leave. "Legacies are formed while you're alive, and the best way to leave a legacy is to live it, day by day."
We never know when our time here will come, but while we are here we should work on leaving a legacy that will continue on through the generations. Teach your children why it matters that they are good people with a good heart. There are some things that are out of our control in life, but this is one thing that we can control. How people perceive us does really matter for so many different reasons. Start living your life everyday with this in mind, so people will have a positive perception of you, because of the way you made them feel. This should be the legacy you want to leave.
Good Life Project
I once read a book that asked this question, "If you died and you could be watching your funeral, what would you want people to say about you?" That question from that book stuck with me, and made me much more conscious of the perception people have of me. It made me try to be a better person. A person that could meet me and say I was kind and personable. Although we don't like to think about death, we should think about the legacy we want to leave. "Legacies are formed while you're alive, and the best way to leave a legacy is to live it, day by day."
We never know when our time here will come, but while we are here we should work on leaving a legacy that will continue on through the generations. Teach your children why it matters that they are good people with a good heart. There are some things that are out of our control in life, but this is one thing that we can control. How people perceive us does really matter for so many different reasons. Start living your life everyday with this in mind, so people will have a positive perception of you, because of the way you made them feel. This should be the legacy you want to leave.
Good Life Project
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