Who Deserves a Space in Your Life?
There are people we surround ourselves with on a daily basis. We have relationships with many different people that impact our lives. We develop these relationships for a variety of reasons. What we need to consider is the people that really deserve to be in your circle. There are some people in your life that you feel a closeness to because you may have known them a long time. There are others you keep in your life because of a sense of obligation, such as family. Whatever relationships you have in your life there comes a time when you have to think about how much certain people in your life are contributing to your growth and well being. As we get older we grow from life experiences. We go through many changes in our lives that teaches us so many different life lessons. After we go through those changes, some of the people that started the journey with you will no longer meet your needs. You still have love and affection for those people, but they are in a different place in life than you are now. Your friends may still want to go hang out at the club, but you have outgrown that. You may now have a family of your own, or you are thinking about returning to school to advance your career. It just comes a time when you have to take a look at the relationships in your life, and decide if certain people in your circle still deserve to be there.
As you grow through life, it's wise to start cultivating more meaningful relationships in your life. you should question whether the people you have held onto are really lifting you up and sharing your same goals and values. It's difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with friends and acquaintances when you're not moving in the same direction. It's not that you have to totally end those relationships, but you may have to have a more casual relationship with them. It's a good idea to always keep your circle small. The people in your circle should be the people that encourage your growth, support your visions, respect your boundaries, and applauds your successes. If they are not exhibiting these qualities, it may be time to reflect on whether they still deserve a space in your life. While you are moving forward, and trying to transform yourself into being a better version of yourself, you need to surround yourself with people that will help you to achieve that or join you in that journey. It's not about cutting people off. It's about realizing that some people do not deserve to be in your inner circle. In order to be successful in achieving your life goals, the people you choose to associate with have to be chosen very carefully so you can continue to stay focused on your path to the life you have envisioned for yourself.
As you grow through life, it's wise to start cultivating more meaningful relationships in your life. you should question whether the people you have held onto are really lifting you up and sharing your same goals and values. It's difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with friends and acquaintances when you're not moving in the same direction. It's not that you have to totally end those relationships, but you may have to have a more casual relationship with them. It's a good idea to always keep your circle small. The people in your circle should be the people that encourage your growth, support your visions, respect your boundaries, and applauds your successes. If they are not exhibiting these qualities, it may be time to reflect on whether they still deserve a space in your life. While you are moving forward, and trying to transform yourself into being a better version of yourself, you need to surround yourself with people that will help you to achieve that or join you in that journey. It's not about cutting people off. It's about realizing that some people do not deserve to be in your inner circle. In order to be successful in achieving your life goals, the people you choose to associate with have to be chosen very carefully so you can continue to stay focused on your path to the life you have envisioned for yourself.
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