Life Quotes
By: NayNay Butler
Take control of your destiny in life. Family, friends and jobs will sometimes make us believe that we can't do certain things or accomplish certain things, but you always have control of what direction you want your life to take. All you have to do is make it happen.
_________________________________________ Surround yourself with people that are moving in the same positive spirit as you are. Some people we associate with can be emotionally draining. Limit the time you spend with these people because they can break your positive spirit. __________________________________________ Find a hobby that is relaxing. You might enjoy reading, writing, crafts, gardening, or listening to music. The hobby you enjoy should bring you relaxation and peace. Having a hobby is a good way to escape from the stresses of life. __________________________________________Try to find the humor in life. Don't take life so seriously. Watch a funny movie or visit a friend that has a great sense of humor. Laughing is good for the body and soul. __________________________________________ Take a mental health day and spend it in bed watching all of your favorite movies and television shows. We all owe to ourselves to wind down and regroup every now and then. Don't feel guilty, savor the moment. |
Some people will say ignorant things to you or to others, by responding to this ignorance you are allowing them to control your emotions. Always ignore ignorance and try to set positive examples for those that have less knowledge than you.
_________________________________________ Life will teach you all the lessons you need to learn, but some lessons can be learned by listening to the wisdom of those that love and care for you. Although life will eventually teach you these lessons, when life teaches you these lessons the path through life is much more harsh and severe. Sometimes it is wise to listen to the wisdom that is offered to you, because if you choose not to listen, LIFE WILL TEACH YOU. __________________________________________Being honest with yourself and others is a very difficult thing to do at times, but the reward is being able to look at yourself in the mirror and love the person looking back at you. __________________________________________ There is nothing wrong with reaching for the stars in your quest for the good life, but make sure you don't lose sight of the long journey it took you to reach those stars. Appreciate the many things that good fortune and hard work afforded you, and keep in mind there's always the possibility that the star you are sitting on could come crashing back to your humble beginnings. ALWAYS BE HUMBLE. __________________________________________ We can always focus on all the things that are wrong with our lives, but the one major positive in your life is that you were blessed with another day of life and breath. Life is a wonderful thing!!! |