How to Move forward When Your Relationship Ends
When a relationship ends it doesn't matter who ended the relationship, the pain is still the same. You go through a grieving process that can be very difficult to overcome. You sometimes have a hard time accepting it, and you will do whatever you can to get back together. You may feel that if you just keep texting and calling them, they will see how much you mean to them. You may accept unreasonable demands from them just to keep them in your life. The most hurtful thing someone can do to you is never giving you closure. Never explaining to you why they don't want the relationship anymore. They just one day decide to breakup with you, and your left with so many unanswered questions. The sad part is, you may never get an answer as to why they wanted out of the relationship. It's a very hard thing to accept and move on when you loved this person so much. Now, you will never know why they couldn't love you back. This is the painful reality of a breakup, but it doesn't end there. You now have to will yourself to move on when your heart is crushed into a million pieces.
Every time you pass that restaurant you both used to love so much. That song that blares from your radio as you're driving that you both used to sing to. At this moment, you cannot imagine how you can go on without that person, but the fact is, you can and you will move forward.
To begin the process of moving forward, it has to start with your acceptance of the breakup. This person, for whatever reason, decided you were not the person they wanted to be with. This does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. People make these choices for a variety of reasons. It could be they met someone else that fit their needs a little better. They may have realized that they weren't yet ready for a relationship. The point is, don't blame yourself for someone else's decisions. You should never have to change who you are for anyone except yourself. If you have to change who you are to be accepted by someone, that would not be fair to you or them, because you would not be genuine. You only change yourself when you decide that change is needed. Once you've accepted the breakup, now is the time to spend time with yourself to figure out where you want to go from here. I think the biggest mistake you can make is to immediately jump into a new relationship. Take a little time to think about whether you want to get into a new relationship anytime soon. You may want to examine your life, and see if there are some things you could do to improve your life. Now may be a good time to take that class you've been putting off, spending more time with friends and family now that you have extra time. It's just a good idea to take some time to recover from the breakup, but continue working on making your life happy with or without someone in it. The reason this relationship didn't work, and that person didn't choose you, could be because you just haven't met your "person" yet. That person that will love and accept you just as you are, with all of your faults and flaws. That's the kind of person you want in your life, not someone you have to go through pain, and jump through hoops for them to love you properly. This is a good time to start loving yourself again until you meet the person that values you, and allows you to be the beautiful piece of art that God created. You will get through this, and you will probably come out on the other side being much more knowledgeable about what you want for yourself. You just have to trust the process. You got this!!!!
Every time you pass that restaurant you both used to love so much. That song that blares from your radio as you're driving that you both used to sing to. At this moment, you cannot imagine how you can go on without that person, but the fact is, you can and you will move forward.
To begin the process of moving forward, it has to start with your acceptance of the breakup. This person, for whatever reason, decided you were not the person they wanted to be with. This does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. People make these choices for a variety of reasons. It could be they met someone else that fit their needs a little better. They may have realized that they weren't yet ready for a relationship. The point is, don't blame yourself for someone else's decisions. You should never have to change who you are for anyone except yourself. If you have to change who you are to be accepted by someone, that would not be fair to you or them, because you would not be genuine. You only change yourself when you decide that change is needed. Once you've accepted the breakup, now is the time to spend time with yourself to figure out where you want to go from here. I think the biggest mistake you can make is to immediately jump into a new relationship. Take a little time to think about whether you want to get into a new relationship anytime soon. You may want to examine your life, and see if there are some things you could do to improve your life. Now may be a good time to take that class you've been putting off, spending more time with friends and family now that you have extra time. It's just a good idea to take some time to recover from the breakup, but continue working on making your life happy with or without someone in it. The reason this relationship didn't work, and that person didn't choose you, could be because you just haven't met your "person" yet. That person that will love and accept you just as you are, with all of your faults and flaws. That's the kind of person you want in your life, not someone you have to go through pain, and jump through hoops for them to love you properly. This is a good time to start loving yourself again until you meet the person that values you, and allows you to be the beautiful piece of art that God created. You will get through this, and you will probably come out on the other side being much more knowledgeable about what you want for yourself. You just have to trust the process. You got this!!!!
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